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Quick Tips for the Morning of Your Wedding!

Jul 28

2 min read




AHHHH! It's your Wedding Day! There's really nothing like the feeling of waking up in the morning and thinking, "I'm getting married today!!!" You're happy, excited, nervous, and anxious! There's soooo many emotions on your Wedding Day morning, heres some quick tips to relax, soak it in, and enjoy it!!

Hitched with Hannah Chicago Day-Of Coordinator

  1. Prep + Plan

The best thing you can do for your Wedding Day morning (coming from a Wedding Planner! LOL) is plan!! If you wake up on the morning of your wedding with a plan on what time everyone needs to be in your getting ready location, who is picking up fruit and coffee, what time hair & makeup are arriving, and the order of girls getting ready, you'll likely be a lot less stressed! Having a plan takes a lot more prep work but it's necessary for a stress-free morning!

Hitched with Hannah Chicago Day-Of Coordinator

2. Eat!

I know what you're thinking...I'm about to get into my Wedding Dress in a few hours, I need to look my best! But trust me, eat something in the morning so you won't be super hungry reading your vows later! Or get hangry waiting on the groomsmen to finish putting on their tuxes! LOL On your Wedding Day, the Bride + Groom hardly have time to eat. Between talking to guests, enjoying little moments together, and taking photos, the newlyweds usually don't get much time to eat! So the muffin you're eating while you're getting your hair done might be the last thing you eat for a LONG time!

Hitched with Hannah Chicago Day-Of Coordinator

3. Good Vibes

Have a future MIL who is not that excited you're about to spend the rest of your life with her son? Have an Aunt that has opinions about how you should do your hair and makeup? Have a friend that can't stop talking about the storm that's supposed to hit right at Ceremony time?! You need people around you the morning of your wedding who are positive, supportive, and CALM!

Hitched with Hannah Chicago Day-Of Coordinator

The morning of your Wedding is so magical and honestly so fun! Make sure to spend some time prepping and planning out the morning so you can wake up stress-free and soak it all in!!

Happy Planning!


Photo Credit: Brittania Drew Photography

Jul 28

2 min read





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